Sunday, May 2, 2010

Losing weight needs to be a habit...

Yesterday's weigh in went fairly well. I didn't gain. That was good. But I didn't lose either. But that's okay being as I lost 1.8 lbs last week.

I checked my chart in Weight Watcher's online and I think I'm finally on the right track. Since the beginning of February, I've lost a total of 8.6 lbs with an average of .7 lbs each week. NOT BAD!!

If I can keep this momentum, I'll be at Weight Watcher's goal (which is 155) by the end of June. Wouldn't that be wonderful??!!

I could be at goal this summer.

That sentence just looks so wonderful to me. I sure hope I can do it. But I'm not going to keep my eyes focused on how much I can lose each week. I've done that before and it has blown up on me every time. I have to keep my eyes on the overall picture. As long as the overall line keeps heading downward (even if it spikes up once in a while) then I'm still winning the battle.

I tracked my food intake all last week. That's 2 weeks in a row. I sure hope I can keep doing it. Our meeting yesterday was about making something a habit. This is the one thing I want to become a habit.

Weight Watcher's came out with a cute little vinyl cover for the 3-month journal. It's perfect! The journal cover slips into the plastic strips on the inside. And it closes with a magnetic snap. I bought one. They were only $6. I got the one that's got big tri-colored blue polka dots. It's so cute. Now I don't have to worry about my journal getting munched up in my purse. 

I've seen these before and I wanted to buy this one. Isn't it just the cutest! But it was $14, which is way too much for me right now. I love the ribbon book mark. I might try to rig something like that for the one I bought.

Oh, and I did the drawing for the Yoplait Inner Goddess giveaway and comment #10, Nicole, won! She didn't leave a link to her blog, otherwise I'd leave a note for her on her blog and give you guys a link to her blog. But I'll contact her via email to let her know she's the winner. But here's a link to her comment.

I have a few smaller giveaways I'm going to be doing soon. If I can get my act together, I'll do them this coming week.

So tell me, what weight loss habit helps you them most? What do you do on a regular basis (or would like to do) that keeps you on track and losing??



Manon~ said...

First job in the morning - open eyes, make coffee, grop for the button on the puter - click on tracker and think 0oog! here we go again....but five minutes later its all done. Tracking has to be the number one tool - even if its not the favourite its the most effective I think.

Hope's Journey to Healthy said...

Congrats on the weight loss so far! It looks like you are on the right track! :)

When it comes to what weight-loss thing works for me: eating fruits and veggies for snacks is probably the only thing that helps me get my veggies/fruits in, although I have many more tips that just that.

Have a great weekend!

Alex said...

Hi! I'm a newbie follower!

Definitely find exercise helps. It makes me feel good and eat good because I don't want to ruin my hard work.

Also tracking (which I am terrible at!!) At the moment I just count cals but I am still toying with the idea of joining weight watchers... I have until 12pm tomorrow to decide if I want to start this week... hmmm!

--cara said...

Hi Alex, I can't speak highly enough about Weight Watchers. They have tremendous resources on their website. They have a Science Center that teaches you the "why" behind what foods are good and bad for you. I learned SO much from my leader and their website about food. Their meetings are tops for me too. The sense that I'm not alone in this and that everyone else is there to help us get through this together is priceless. And the accountability is really what fits it all together. Every Saturday morning, I weigh in, no matter what! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me: carashow at gmail dot com.

Natalie said...

When I'm successful, it's when I've been tracking. Can't deny it!

First time to your blog - good stuff!

MaryFran said...

Yay you for the downward trend!!!

The habit that I find most helpful.....definitely tracking! It keeps me honest with myself about how much I am really eating!

Ex Yo-Yo Dieter Debbie said...

I may the only non-tracker...when you live in Russia and can't read Russian, nutritional information goes right out the window!

That being said, there are two big things that keep me on track: 1. The lets me know when I'm getting carried away (based on averages over a week or two), 2. Starting the day eating what I had planned for myself the night before. If I go off-track early in the day, forget it. So hard to reel it back in! But a solid successful start to the day breeds more success later on.