Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One year... 30 Pounds... Auld lang syne, my dear...

Well, 2008 is just about gone. Probably by the time you guys are reading this, it'll be next year.

I started this year at 208 pounds.

Wow. :|

I can't believe that. 8|


That seems like a lifetime ago.

208 just sounds to big! Hard to believe that's what I weighed 12 months ago.

I'm 30 pounds lighter than I was a year ago. If you would have told me one year ago I'd be 30 pounds lighter today, I would have laughed in your face and said "Yea, right, maybe 75 pounds lighter! but definitely not just 30 pounds!" I probably would have said "Psh! I could do 30 pounds without even trying!"

Man, was that a lifetime ago. I've gained and lost the same pounds so many times this year it's hard to even conceive of it. I've exercised my butt off and deprived myself and sacrificed all of the things I love in life (my precious food). But looking back on it all, now, I think it was all worth it. I'm losing it so slowly, surely I'll be able to keep it off forever. If I'd lost it quick, I'd be much more likely to gain it back (and then some) right? Well, that's what they say anyways.

I'm realistic now. 30 pounds is HUGE! I had no idea I would have this much trouble losing 30 pounds. I was flying through the pounds when I first started WW. Why it only took me 7 months (my first 7 months on WW) to lose almost 60 pounds. Now, I've only lost half that amount in almost double the amount of time. I sure hope I can lose 30 pounds in 2009.

I figure that's an average of a half a pound a week, right? That's not bad. Actually, I think I would be tickled pink if I could consistently lose a half a pound each week. Wouldn't you?

Auld Lang Syne... Do you know what that phrase really means? According to Wikipedia, "auld lang syne" literally means "old long since", but a more common English translation would be something like "long long ago", "days of long ago", "in olden days", or even "once upon a time".

So here's to those lost 30 pounds. Long, long ago I was 30 pounds heavier. Days of long ago found me 30 pounds more than what I am now. Once upon a time I was 30 pounds larger.

And here's to 2009 and a year-long goal of losing a half a pound each week.

What about you? How many pounds did you take off in 2008?



Brightcetera said...

Cara? R U ok? Your comment concerned me.
Just blase? or worse?

SeaShore said...

Actually, I think I would be tickled pink if I could consistently lose a half a pound each week. Wouldn't you?

Yes, I would, rather than the rollercoaster highs of a loss one week, and the lows and need to justify a gain the following week.

Donna B said...

Losing it slowly is the best way to do it. I KNOW you will rach your goal this year. Just think of all the things you learned about yourself and food, as well as all those you have helped. I am one of them! Your posts about exercising and especially biking got me off my butt. I know own a new Trek bike for outdooors, and my new Schwinn recumbent bike for indoors! THANKS for being there! Have a happy and prosperous 2009

~closed~ said...

Happy New Year Cara! I will hold off on answering your question about weight lost in '08, but will answer that in 364 days. :) You look wonderful!

GenXblogger said...

I lost 50 lbs in 2008!!

Thanks for your comment. I don't know why I get more points, do you get more points when you are younger? I know I get 2 extra points for being more active than most people, I almost never sit down, lol. I think I'm about a pound away from losing a point or two though!

Kimberly said...

Weight loss of any amount is to be celebarated because it is such a hard thing to accomplish. 30 pounds ain't nothing to sneeze at!

And I've dropped 66 pounds in 2008 and 85 pounds since October 2007. I can't wait until I reach the 100 pounds lost mark.

Anonymous said...

It looks like I lost 22 pounds this year. I haven't really been trying seriously since January, only got really serious mid-year. I will be happy if I lose the same this year. I don't mind my slow, 0.5 lb week fat loss, it means I don't have to restrict anything too strictly.

Karyn said... everyone says thirty pounds is wonderful!

I can understand how it would be frustrating, though, after losing so much more quickly the year before.

I hope I'm not being too forward here, but I have noticed something in your posts from time to time and see it again in this post where you refer to your "precious food". I'm thinking that you still see certain foods as neccessary to your wellbeing and happiness. Foods that are counterproductive to your goals. I hope you will forgive me if I'm overstepping, but maybe an honest look at where you are putting your affection is in order.

I only dare say this because you have been an encouragement and an inspiration to me, personally and I really care that you seem to be so discouraged.